Rahvusvahelise koostöö suunal

Loomise kuupäev 08.10.2021

Kose Gümnaasiumi direktor Martin Medar ja Eesti Vabariigi aukonsul Taanis Filip Dalth Rasmussen leppisid kokku haridusvaldkonna vastastikuses koostöös!

"Leppisime kokku, et hakkame arendama vastastikust õpirännet Kose Gümnaasiumi ja Taani koolide õpetajate ning õpilaste vahel. Selleks on meil mitmeid võimalusi: praktiline õppimiskogemus töövarjuna, jälgides teise õpetaja tööd; osalemine koolitustel ja õpilaagrites," selgitab Medar.

Taani aukonsuli Filip Dalth Rasmussen tänab imelise kohtumise eest.
"Thank you so much for giving us time to give us fantastic inspiring visits to your beautiful school Kose Gümnasium last week. It was so touching to see all the happy students and motivating teachers. Your school is a good example of the new Estonian future with the new technology, we also noticed the school's very fine condition. No graffiti or other damage to the school. it is in a very nice condition in bright colors. Your musicality at school with all students radiated great joy during the visit and thank you for the fine choir singing for girls and boys we could really be inspired here in Denmark. Something I was also inspired by was your beautiful kitchen where all your students eat nutritious food that we all know makes students healthy and happy and has a lot easier learning. Greetings to all the sweet people we met at Kose Gymnasium! I One day I will come with a group of teachers from Denmark, so that they can be inspired by the new Estonian future. Should you feel like visiting a Danish school, you are always welcome".

Kose Gümnaasium on saanud ka juba rahastuse Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse agentuurilt üldharidustöötajate õpirände projektile „Eriline meeskond erilistele õpilastele” kogusummas 11 275€. Projekti raames külastatakse Saksamaad ning Hollandit.

Viimati muudetud 08.10.2021.